In this episode, Rev. Shoryu Bradley, of Gyobutsu Zen Center, and I discuss the relationship of early Buddhist teachings to Eihei Dogen’s teachings of “dropping off body and mind” as the practice-realization of shikantaza. We discuss the Kaccayanagotta Sutta (on Right View) and how zazen is “itself is the wisdom of interconnection and impermanence.” I hope you enjoy this discussion as much as did.
Shoryu Bradley was ordained as a Soto Zen priest in 2002 by Seirin Barbara Kohn at Austin Zen Center. In 2004 he moved to Bloomington, IN to study with Shohaku Okumura Roshi and the Sanshin Zen Community. In 2010 Shoryu received dharma transmission from Okumura Roshi. He holds a B.S. in psychology from Texas A&M University, an M.Ed. in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of Texas at Austin, and is a student of Japanese psychology at the ToDo Institute of Vermont. He has lived and practiced at Gyobutsuji since founding it in December 2011.
"Everything We Encounter in Zazen Is Self"