Spark Zen
Spark Zen
On Buddhist Pilgrimage: "Walking in the Bardo"

On Buddhist Pilgrimage: "Walking in the Bardo"

The Sacred Is in the Eyes of the Beholder
Shikoku, 88-temple pilgrimageShikoku, 88-temple pilgrimageShikoku, 88-temple pilgrimage
Photos from Jody's Shikoku, Japan, piligrimage

In this episode, I dialogue with my dear Dharma friend Jody Greene about their recent thousand-mile pilgrimage to sacred spaces in Ladakh, India; Mustang, Nepal; and Shikoku, Japan. We discuss how “not knowing” is most intimate whether we’re on pilgrimage or entering the sacred space of a Zoom room. This life is the ultimate spiritual journey that we can wake up moment-by-moment. Enjoy!

Jody and I first met at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center in the fall of 2008. We were both “tangaryo” monks, which means it was our first, 90-day monastic practice period. Jody’s an experienced yoga practitioner & traveler, and a world-class scholar at University of Santa Cruz where they are an Associate Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning. For decades, Jody’s guided people on pilgrimages around the world, including to Ladakh, Nepal, and India. You can read more about their adventures while on pilgrimage at their blog WalkingandPraying. Thank you for being here!

For me, Spark Zen is pilgrimage on page. Writing & podcasting about the Dharma opens my heart-mind-body to the eternal, ineffable sacredness that animates this world.

Spark Zen
Spark Zen
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